lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Folklore and music styles.


In ancient Egypt there was no musical notation, and therefore it was not possible to know what was actually the music of this mysterious country, we know that songs, dance and Egyptian music were beautiful. Egyptian music was essentially mystical and orgiastic also had demonstrations to celebrate the great military triumphs of conquest.  There were demonstrations lyrical expressions of personal reasons.

The song and dance were always together and were complementary instruments, that is served to accompany the melodies. It is almost certain that the Egyptian music, like all of antiquity was monodic.

The Egyptians were the inventors of the two basic string instruments: The Harp and Laúd. The Harpa did not soundboard but was later added a similar sound to the current box. The Laúd was used in religious services.


Currently In Egypt folk dances are varied and rich, and come from different regions. Some of them are:

  • Fallahi: This word means farmer. This dance uses a light and lively musical rhythm accompanied by songs. Describe the daily work of farming while washing clothes outside the river and gather food baskets and water jars or pitchers. The dancers are dressed with very wide or long cotton dress natural fabrics and wear a head scarf or veil headdress with tassels. 

  •  Saidi: Folk dance from the south of Egypt known as Al Said or Upper Egypt. Be characterized by four times and have two dums very marked in the third period. The typical instrument Saidi: the mizmar. It is a dance both men and women. You can dance figures and making turns with a cane. The costumes for women consist of a long straight sleek Galabeya with openings on the side and headdress in her hair. 

  • Hagalla: It is a dance performed by the Bedouin colonies of Mersa Matruh in Western Egypt. The Hagalla defines a type of music, dance and gives its name to a rhythm. It is a very quick and simple rhythm, than two times. It is dance who danced the gypsies, who were with their nomadic caravans crossing the desert camp to camp, to entertain with music and dancing desert people. 
  • Melaia: It is within the modern Egyptian folklore. The meaning of "Melaya Lef" is rolled cloth, where a piece of black cloth is used as an accessory. While dancing, cover and uncover the shawl. The dancer in this dance plays being very flirtatious, retaining her femininity while going slowly showing parts of her body that Mileia covered. The songs are very sharp and agile, typical of Egyptian folklore and lyrics about the outrageous audacity that occurs. 

  • Nubio: Dance of the Nubian Desert region at the edges with Sudan. It is a dance of celebration, very energetic and busy. It is a dance group danced by men and women. It is danced in very long lines bouncing on one foot, which is the basic step scissor most folk dances. It is a dance where all the time is on the move, no movement of hips and very few arms. The typical wardrobe consists of spacious and colorful robes and a long headscarf which can also be used as an accompaniment to the dancebesides very large rings and necklaces in the form of a crescent.

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